We have a super ugly front closet. I'm not a fan of the wood, and it has this dated glass:
Today, I decided that enough was enough. I didn't really have the time to sand and paint the doors, but I was just tired of looking at that glass. So this isn't an ideal fix, but it'll do for the time being!
All I did was grab some 12x12" scrapbooking papers, cut them to size and tape them up. Cover with clear contact paper for a little added protection (especially if you have little hands that will be touching them!).
Sure, it's not uber-professional, but it makes me much happier. Oh, and do you like my artistic touch of flipping one of the center pieces? Yeah... uh... meant to do that. :)
Oh, and it only cost me a little over $4 and took about half an hour. Not bad for 30 minutes work!